
KO3anguo Ep 35~

Ep 35 wasn't as interesting to watch..
I mean, XiuXiang bits are cute, but the kidnap scene was way too dramatic...
The awesome part is... Guan Yu's fight with Yuan Shao :D

OMG I hate Yuan Shao. He's so damn stubborn, and... [soz, no offence] ugly.

Liu Bei's friend Zou Jing kidnaps Ah Xiang for a ransom, but failed epicly.
2 whole armies just came flooding the place, and eventually, Zou Jing peed his pants XD

lol, Cao Cao retelling his pitiful lonely childhood memories again...
but was stopped by Liu Bei. ><"
lmao, and so the famous inventions of the Yuan family are...
Yuan Zi Bi 袁子笔//原子笔 - pen
Yuan Da Tou 袁大头//冤大头
Yuan Zi Dan 袁子弹//原子弹 - bomb

Cao: and the murderous weapon of all... Yuan zhi xiao jin gang!
Xiu: ...that sounds lame..

Sun Quan enters!!!! He looks COOL!! X3


KO3anguo Ep 35 download:

KO3anguo Episode Streaming:

to see previous episodes' downloads, search/click either SEASON 1 or SEASON 2 or SEASON 3


KO3anguo Ep 34~

After waiting for a whole week for this ep... it's finally out! X3
Sadly, neither of the 2 bombs explode... XD [disappointed that Lu Bu didn't die ><"] Dong Zhuo got away once again, and Yuan Shao came into the school. Determined to have Ah Xiang back, they're gonna fight for her in next ep...

The 1st bomb ended up to be a FAKE!! >.<

Upon realizing that, they found out that there's another bomb...
...hidden in the school X3
& Lu Bu was locked onto it!!
[Dong Zhuo eventually decides to kill off his son, even though 1 year left for him...]

But sucking the electric energy of the jellyfish, they stopped the bomb by just 1 sec~ ^^

Chao tried to grab Xiu's attention by using the word 'Xiang' X3

The story of the Bu Dao Weng~
Aww, the childhood memories of Ah Xiang & Yuan Shao, starring... B.A.D.!! XD

Planned by Zhang Fei, they attempt to kidnap Xiu & Ah Xiang, lock them up in a romantic and decorated room...
but they failed and kidnapped Chao & Zhong instead XD


MoMo Love Ep 1

Hahaa, first episode off and I'm already feeling sorry for Yu Yi.
[btw, pics will be uploaded later, internet problems at the mo >.<]

Ep 1 download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W2FHQPL8


KO3anguo Ep 33~

I just wanna say, Ep 33 is one of the sweetest and most awesome episodes of the whole drama~
It felt like a megabattle between the good & evil, with EVERYONE involved =D
I especially loved the bit where Xiu played the last notes of the music piece~~~ ahaa~~

Awesome fightings going on in Ep 33...
Here comes another one of my random equations... Lu Bu & other demons + Xiu & rest = awesomeness >D

Dong Zhuo summons the Black & White demons...
and they failed finishing the song >.<

As the after-effects of the unfinished song, Guan Yu ages faster than normal,
and ended up looking like a grandpa after waking up...
[ seriously, the make up looked so realistic and.. CREEPY ]

After asking Ah Gong for help, Xiu finds another way to save Guan Yu.
With 80,000 hits, the song would work for one more time...
With the help of Cao Cao & the brothers, they made it over 80,000~ =D

Champions // Zhou Yu joined in =D
[ the song turned MEGAawesome here ]

Ahahaa, Dong Zhuo fails...

And Principal Wang Yun comes back ^^

Sweet, just when I was thinking there's not enough violence in this drama, they came up with a BOMB!!!
Ahahaa, awesomenesssssss~

EP 34 ::: Xiu & Ah Xiang going "Wu La Ba Ha" at the same time...!! o_0



Soz to all for being away...
This Ep had another awesome fighting scene!! Whilst everyone was fighting desperately against Dong Zhuo and the demonized Lu Bu, Xiu looked funny playing his guitar & shouting random words.. XD

Ep 32 was the end of Season 2... D'=
Hope there's still lots more to come!

Ma Chao being epicly cute~ X3

lol, another epic scene while watching Part 1...
Teacher: And so, the one who came 1st was...
Guan Yu!!!
[everyone cheers]
Teacher cont.: 's big brother Liu Bei!! WOOHOO!!
[everyone... o_0]
Fei: Teacher, your jokes are so lame


KO3anguo Ep 32 download:


KO3anguo Episode Streaming:

to see previous episodes, search/click either SEASON 1 or SEASON 2